Friday, 27 April 2007
The premise of the ep had so much potential, but it just didn't pan out for me. From what JM said about the ep he feels the same way the fans do, which in a way is a small comfort. What I enjoyed about the Koyla/Sheppard story arc was the excitement an unpredictability of their relationship (for want of a better term). Each of them doing what they do best; fighting and defending their people for things they believed in. Their characters personalities are not dissimilar and both Robert Davi (Kolya) and Joe Flanigan's characters play off each other extremely well. That charismatic interplay between them, gives the viewers an element of surprise at what's to come next, which in turn keeps us on our toes. Each time they've come up against each other, it has played out in such a way, where you don't know who's going to win the fight. And that keeps the arc interesting. Kolya was Sheppard's nemesis and it seemed only fitting that retribution should be sought after the actions of Kolya in Common Ground. And Sheppard's promise to 'kill him on sight' was said with such vehemence that the viewer new that the next time they met, Sheppard would finish Kolya off, on his terms.
So when I found out that Kolya was going to be in this episode, I was ecstatic to see the 'showdown'. I'd heard of the wild west theme, and although it sounded a bit corny it was something that I had longed to see; Sheppard finally getting redress. BUT as it turned out (or so it felt to me), the Kolya angle seemed like a 'B plot', and the euphoria at longing to see these two finally fighting it out fell flat. Now don't get me wrong, I have nothing against the Lucius storyline. I actually enjoyed Irresistible for the most part, but I certainly didn't believe that his character warranted a second episode and certainly not with Kolya. Yes dark and light episodes do work most of the time with both SG1 and SGA, and I love the Stargate humour 99.9% of the time, but this? This was can I put it diplomatically? Crap! Sorry, I tried.
It was disappointing to say the least. We lost a good foe to this and while the whole 'no one dies in Sci Fi' may afford us the opportunity to see Kolya again in future eps; either in an AU type ep, or as part of Shep's issues. I sincerely doubt it. At the very least, Kolya will hopefully get a mention if, sorry, when we see the CG Wraith again :D. I suppose after watching Common Ground, and seeing how the whole storyline shone with every element, I was expecting that same kind of pizazz from this and I didn't. :(
Thursday, 26 April 2007
Nightmare on Atlantis Street
When confronted by something that is totally unexpected, each persons response to that situation is different. Like the fight or flight response, your instincts stem believe it or not from the prehistoric era. :o) It's an inbuilt safety mechanism that the brain produces to either fight the danger head on or avoid any confrontation. The chemical that's released into our body during the time of stress hones all our senses, and diminishes the body of feeling pain. Which is probably why our Shep doesn't tend to feel the effects the same way as McKay does (bless him). So what the heck has this got to do with Atlantis going dark, I hear you ask...
Well, over the course of Season 4 we're hoping to see our characters pushed to their limits both emotionally and physically. As this takes place over the course of season 4, we'll be afforded the opportunity into looking into their psyche and seeing how they cope when pushed to the limit. Will it make them stronger or will they fold under the pressure? From JM's poem, it's clear that the characters emotions are going to be like a rollercoaster ride, with angst, pain, regret and self doubt being at the forefront of their character develpment. From what we've learned about Doppleganger, this episode will focus on the nightmares of our characters; each of whom have deep seated issues about certain things.
We've been speculating (wildly of course) ;o) about what effect these nightmares will have on our team. For me, I love to see a different side of a persons character that's not prominantly displayed in the show on a regular basis. And usually the only time we get to see a different side of them is when there are mitigating circumstances that bring that aspect of their personality to the surface. So to have an episode that focus's on their deep seated fears is very attractive in a weird kind of way, lol. Normally we have our heroes battling demons every day, which I love, but we never get to 'see' what that effect has on them.
Now I completely understand that our characters can't have a meltdown after every mission, :o) but like it or not, our experiences be they good or bad do affect our personality and can turn any rational person into a nut job. Paranoia and mistrust can occur when someone is pushed to the edge, and if you bury it for too long without dealing with it, those 'issues' have a way of coming to the surface. I'm hoping that those 'issues', which occur when things go wrong (and that help to define us), will show up in the Doppleganger ep. That inturn will enable us to get a more indepth look at how our characters minds work, and why they behave the way they do. And what I love about these types of episodes is that they allow the viewer to see that the characters are human...unless they're Wraith of course ;o)
So tomorrow's Stargate episode is 'Irresponsible', and I think this is a good example of someone reaching their limits when pushed too far. I won't bore you needlessly until tomorrow and trust me when I say that i'll have a few things to say about the ep!
Ooooh I ended on a rant! Can't have that now can we? Then allow me to finish with this one word.
For those that have no clue why i'm so excited about season 4, you might want to check out the answer JM gave lil ol' me and the whumping crew about Doppleganger :o) And for those that don't know what *squee* is check out Josie's article which she did for when CG was airing(pictured above) and it will explain everything :o)
Monday, 23 April 2007
That thing we call life.
A lot of people within the ‘fandom’ have real life issues. So for them, their fandom *insert fandom of choice here* ;o) is a way of escaping the crap that we call real life. In this wonderful imaginary world that we escape to, we can let go of our everyday problems and feel secure in the knowledge that we can get lost in the moment for one hour a week. Or if you're completely obsessive ten hours a week ;) We can envisage what will happen to our favourite characters, and what fate has in store for them, and they in turn can take us on a little adventure thousands of miles away from the problems some people face on a daily basis. As time moves on, we get to know who the characters are and what makes them tick, and gradually we learn about their little foibles and what defines them. The same can also be said for friends that you discover online.
As you get to know your fellow posters, you learn to see beyond the post and see the person; not just an opinion on the thread that you’re posting in. You learn to get to know that person’s style and if they’re having an off day. Sometimes this one ‘off day’ can bring a thread to it’s knees. Scary, but true. People’s emotions can affect a thread’s ‘mood’ (for want of a better terminology) and usually you find that as soon as a thread gets some exciting news, they go a bit nuts, and tend to get swept up in the wave of emotions.
When the information comes from a viable source, your excitement tends to go up ten notches, especially when that news is something you’ve longed for *cough*hot and sweaty semi-nekkid Shep*cough*. ;o) But when that programme airs, and it’s not lived up to your expectations, (because you’ve speculated to the point of no return) then it can have devastating affects. Okay I’m being a bit dramatic here, lol, but you get the point. ;o)
I suppose, what i'm trying to say in my usual rambling way, is that the fandom should be a place to go and bond with other like-minded individuals. It's not just about that exciting bit of information, or you're favourite character. It's about getting away from the harsh realities of life and letting your imagination run free for a short time. Sometimes you do need to get caught up in the moment to remember that life is there to live and enjoy, so enjoy it.
And remember if you see someone without a smile, give them yours :o)
So much for my cheeky blog, this is getting far too serious for me, time to lighten the moment and dive into the gutter. Didn't I say at one time, I was going to talk about hot, sweaty nekkid Shep? :o). Well, I have since obtained some pics that have spurred me on a lil bit more in my quest, and while they're not exactly Shep, it's probably as close as we're going to get. ;o)
Pics are from Dawson's creek... I won't even go into detail of the table scene *cough*
*has a fangirl moment*
*waves to the gutter*
*dives in * :o)
Friday, 20 April 2007
Bonding - Atlantis style
Nuff said. ;o)
- The jumper scene with Ronon, Zelenka and Shep.
- Ronon falling asleep and snoring while Teyla teaches him how to mediate.
- McKay putting his case to Lizzie about the ZPM and the 20 page email.
- Flagisalus and identifying the sex of the whale *giggles*
- McKay naming his whale, Sam and Shep's protests because it's creepy. :lol:
- The balcony scene between Sheppard and McKay when he sees the whale.
- Geeky Shep rushing off to see the whales and McKay running after him.
- The whump and the infirmary scene.
- Sheppard and McKay shouting and escaping.
- Their expressions at escaping Carson's clutches.
- McKay trying to be all military in the corridor.
- Shep coming up with a plan, and McKay telling him just what a bad plan it was :lol:
I could be here all night! If I had said I enjoyed everything about this ep, it would have saved me a lot of time. But I have the pen chance to go off on a tangent... hence my very long winded fanfiction ;o)
I've always strived to be a good boss, and if I were any more laid back i'd fall off my chair. Whenever you become a new manager, you tend to learn from your superiors. Not me. I have my own style, and while it's not everybody's, for me it means I get the most out of the people that work for me. Their's a little thing called trust. You have to trust your staff and give them a bit of flexibility or you stifle them. And if they respect you then you're half way there to becoming a good manager.
Every team leader has their ups and downs with staff, especially if you work with them for long hours. Given that you spend more time with them, than you do with your own family it's normal to build up a bond with those you work with. I look out for my staff, just like they look out for me. I've seen them at their very highest and their lowest, because my job is to protect them and guide them as they move on. When they're having a rough time, they get a pep talk and a swift gentle kick in the kaboose. But at the end of the day, there are times when I have a bad day and they're there for me. And believe it or not, I'm not perfect. :eek: I make mistakes and they like that, because no one is perfect.
That's something i'd love to see explored on the show more; letting Sheppard make mistakes, and then agonising over those decisions. We know he has to remain infallible because to have a lead character who questions his actions is not one that is likely to be portrayed. But sometimes all it takes is a look. Let the audience take it from there with their imagination. JF is fantastic at playing those subtle scenes and one look of doubt/uncertainty would show he is human and does make mistakes. And sometimes the team need to be there for him instead of him being the one to save himself. Let the hero take the day off once in a while! He deserves it ;o)
Thursday, 19 April 2007
May the fourth be with you! Sooner than we hope!
When we first heard about Doppelganger, I honestly wanted a certain something from this episode. Myths and folklore are rampant about what Doppelgangers are, if they exist and what can occur if you meet your double. Well, the Stargate world has decided to explore this mythology and to say i'm a teensy bit over excited at seeing this, is a huge understatement!
I love dark episodes, so Atlantis season 3 episodes such as Phantoms, Common Ground and Vengeance all had that quality (for me anyway). Each of them had a certain something that piqued my interest even more than other eps, maybe it was because they weren't afraid to go a little darker or dealt with the psychological effects on our characters, but whatever element they've been using for Atlantis is really working. And from reading the spoilers on Gateworld, Doppelganger seems to be taking that dark edge a little further to the point of turning one of our characters evil.
*tries to contain her excitement and fails miserably*
As you can imagine talk of a certain person getting the crap kicked out of them is causing a certain thread to speculate wildly and we are (to say the least) getting extremely excited about what's in store. With my favourite character turning to the dark side *squee* it will hopefully bring in some viewers that might have heard ruminations about season 4, but I won't hold my breath. There are already people comparing this ep to a certain SG1 episode 'Cold Lazarus' even though it clearly is very different. But people will see, hear and read what they want, and it doesn't matter how much you show them that things are very different they simply refuse to budge.
Wednesday, 18 April 2007
Squee for Season 4
As you know, I am a whumper! There i've said it, held my hand up. I like my leading men to get the crap kicked out of them on a regular basis! People think it's weird, but you know what, if it wasn't so popular then why have it in the show at all? Food for thought. And for the writers to put our leading heroes into mortal danger on a regular basis must mean that they to are whumpers :eek: Nice to know us weirdo's keep good company ;) The sad thing about it is, that some people think you're weird. Personnally I think it's because they haven't taken the time to understand what it's all about, hopefully the linky above will explain it more fully.
So far we've been given wonderful lil tidbits about certain whumpy eps for S4. We've been told that there's a possibility of whumpage in Travelers and Doppelganger. How much or how little is not known, but speculation is rampant amongst the whumpers and we wait patiently *cough*NOT*cough* for S4 to arrive hopefully before I turn old and grey, but with Skiffy you never know! These are the same people that can't even spell the names of our leading men right. *shakes head* The worst is, they're not the only ones. Sky get the names of the characters wrong on a daily basis, you'd think that these people who are promoting a show would at least have the sense to actually understand what it is they're trying to market.... I digress.
So, at years end, 2006, JM gave us a poem to decipher, he loves to tease everyone and he likes to give us little clues regarding certain eps, but won't reveal the whole! I'm a spoiler whore and love to know the ins and out of everything. So every day, he updates his blog, and folks ask questions about anything and everything. So if you feel like checking it out the link is above. At the moment i'm still campaigning for hot, sweaty and nekkid Shep, and I am tryng to
I would like to say a big congrats to our very own little whumper who deciphered one of JM's clues about a S4 Episode called Doppleganger (aka N.O.A.S). Our very own Josie got it on the very first day it was posted) So for those that don't want to know what the original working title for Doppleganger was, look away now.
Nightmare on Atlantis Street!
And you know what that means, don't you? Hot, sweaty, semi nekkid Shep lying in bed all stressed could in fact become not just a fangirl's fantasy, but a reality. *insert big cheesy grin* If, sorry WHEN this airs I might just have another fangirl moment ;o) See always think positively! And if at first you don't get hot, sweaty, semi nekkid Shep, then try, try, try try again ;o)
We have deciphered the poem together so if you don't want to be spoiled, I bid you farewell now.
For spoiler whore's like me, here we go. It's not finished yet, but it's darn near close enough, so suggestions and comments are always welcome. The good, the bad and the ugly!
Atlantis S4
Atlantis assailed by the stuff of nightmares, (Doppleganger)
While the team will explore that dark sunken lair. (Submersion)
For one player worship, adoration and fame, (The Game - both lines)
As he and his rival find it’s more than a game.
Receive a grand gift from an all-seeing shaman. (The Seer S4)
Find the wraith and our allies have something in common. (CG Sequel) In my dreams!
A tech-savvy group who progress via pillage. (Travelers)
A wild west High Noon in an inapt Dutch village. (Irresponsible)
Too late the value of that friendship he’ll learn. (Sunday)
A strange disappearance feeds another’s dark turn.(Missing)
Find survivors concealed in an orbiting rock, (The Ark)
While the thinker receives an enlightening shock. (ToR)
Mutations discovered, O’Neill is all wet. (Vengeance and The Return Part II)
With a change of location all will forget. (Tabula Rasa)
Hyperion’s wrath threatens total destruction. (Echoes)
Our hand will be forced by ominous construction. (First strike)
Carter arrives; a reunion of sorts. (Reunion)
One of our own the enemy courts. (Missing)
Isolation imposed and a grand battle looms, (Adrift)
While an alien contact this player dooms. (This Mortal coil)
Self-doubt for one, parenthood for another,(Miller’s crossing)
And that brilliant young mom may be needing her brother.
From innocents lost he’ll produce strict adherence (Lifeline)
While the late fallen one makes a surprised reappearance (Squeee)
Tuesday, 17 April 2007
Miscommunications in the Stargate world!
What I didn't realise is how much passion some people have. I know i'm vocal, but some people are just downright...what's the word? Oh yeah, obsessive and rude and mean (ooh that's three words). Oh well, moving on swiftly. When they're arguing about 'my character is better than yours' or bitching about other people on line, I just think...get a life! It's a TV show people. A TV show that I love and get passionate about, but there's a line (for me) that should never be crossed and that's nastiness. Is there really any need for it? I know full well that what you write online doesn't necessarily come out how you intended, sometimes it comes out harsher than you'd like, or it's difficult to express how you feel about a particular subject. For me, there's only one way, and that's politely, manners never cost anything, and if you're respectful in your post, then you're in turn extending the courtesy to other readers. If you're debating with someone, is there any need for it to become a personal attack (even if they start it)? I've had years of experience debating, looking at things objectively, looking at the person you're conversing with and you can gauge their personality. Some people are born to whinge and antagonise, they feel it's their right. But, if you stay calm and focused and never stoop to their level of childishness, then you win, every time.
Personally if someone attacks me, then I throw it back in their face, I tell them how rude they are and that it's not acceptable. Granted it's not everybody's way, but there are times when the other poster doesn't even realise how aggressive they are, because that's the way they've always posted. Sometimes a little friendly reminder goes a long way. And if you have wronged someone, either intentionally or not, apologise! It's not hard it's just one little word, show there are no hard feelings and then change the subject as quickly as possible and move on ;o)
Another thing to note...if anyone is remotely intersted, lol. Is that there are real people attached to their keyboards :eek: yes it's true and they have feelings. And their feelings get hurt just as much as yours do when their opinions are shot down in flame. So even if you disagree with them remember, words are a very powerful tool, so choose them wisely, be respectful and play nice. You'd be surprised at how attitudes can change with just a friendly word, a great emoticon or posting a pic of semi nekkid, hot and sweaty Sheppard. You'd be surprised at how quick the conversation can change :o)
Ooooh bit of a sneaky rant there...oops. So much for my light hearted and fluffy blog about nekkid, hot and sweaty Sheppard. :o) That'll be my blog for tomorrow. ;o)
Sunday, 15 April 2007
Subtle flirtations, dirty minds and the gutter!
Saturday, 14 April 2007
Fan girl moment
- Sheppard flying around the city
- Sheppard being fired if he didn't pull off the rescue plan.
- Beckett's indignation at O'Neill wondering why our wonderful Scottish doc was there
- McKay getting slapped on the back of the head
- Teyla shooting her way in.
- The end bit with Jack and Dr Weir, I love to see people hugging :o)