Thursday, 21 June 2007

I'm becoming a techno geek

As some of you know, work is extremely hectic at the moment with long hours and little to no thanks. Lately it feels as if I should be dragging my duvet and pillow into work and crawling under the desk with the amount of hours i've been putting in. Staff are now getting concerned as I seem to be the first in and last to leave... now don't get me wrong i'm as dedicated as the next person, but all work and no play makes Cheeky a very boring individual. And I think my lot are starting to feel quite concerned, hence the article I was sent in work today. Maybe they're trying to tell me something? ;) Anyway, I have taken note of their concern and so has my co-manager. We've been working long hours and are both ready for a break! He's off to Canada, Burnaby, no less *insert the green eyed monster*. As for me, i'm planning to reward myself with a week off to. I did offer to carry his bags for him, but he wasn't having any of it. *sigh* One day....

So when staff got wind that we were both going to be off, all I heard was, "Yeah, Mom and Dad are going away, let's have a party!" Hello? Mom and Dad? I wasn't quite sure how to take it to be honest. I think it was a compliment, although with them you never know! Insults are in our team are par for the course, and is meant as a term of endearment. So, I think i'll take it as a compliment.

As you know, the move around our office has resulted in a girls v boys scenario, and yours truly has this week had to suffer inordinate amount of smut talk all week. And have lived to tell the tale! But it has to be said, the conversation is never dull, who would have thought you could go from discussing relativity and the origins of the universe to vomiting and diarrhoea within 3 minutes! I now know all I need to know about men and their wonderful toilet habits. Thanks guys! Needless to say with all the burping and farting going on, on our table, i'm just grateful that i've got a particularly powerful perfume to mask those.... um.. Never mind!

Over the last few months, i've been watching the workman attempting to create a piece of art, near an old abandoned building. Whether it's for the Capital of Culture 2008, i'm not quite sure, but it is unique! As you can see from the video clip, engineers cut a circle into the front of the building and rotated it inside out. The artist is sculptor Richard Wilson, has for the tidy sum of £450, ooo created this unique... Art, shall we say. The craftmanship and engineering design is wonderfully executed, but did it make the impact that everyone was expecting it to? I'm not too sure. The artist chose a run down building near the train station to show off his artwork, but I can't help thinking it might have been more effective on a nicer looking building! As for the price tag, well i'm sure that there are a few places in Liverpool that could have utilised the money more effectively... but then what do I know! For those that want to see it, you can find it directly opposite Moorfields station.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so glad I have a job that has a specific beginning time and, for the most part, a definite end of day. No kids in the center = go home for the day.

Glad you are taking some time off! We don't want Cheeky to get too frazzled.