Saturday, 18 April 2009

Long time no post

I can't believe it's been nearly a year since I posted here. To tell you the truth things have been exceptionally hectic, and i've barely had two minutes to do anything more than just sleep once work has finished.

After a health scare... or three, i've decided that I have to start making some changes to my life, which means having fun a lot more, and leaving as much stress behind me as I can. I miss the good old care free days when the only thing I had to worry about was if I should get up at 11am or 12!

With work as stressful as it is, and mom begging me to come home i'm finding myself more and more out of sorts. So to try and gain that bit of life that should be fun i've decided to get out a bit more and enjoy life. Even if it's little snatches here and there. With that in mind I got myself a new camera (well, Ebay new) and some zoom lenses and went down the road to test out my new camera. Some pics i've been surprised with, and thought they'd turned out really well, particular the close up shots. Others i've thought 'meh' I definately need more practice, but practice makes perfect. The other part of my buying a new camera was for the trip to Bedford in February to see that cast of Stargate SG1 and Stargate Atlantis. It was definately interesting for Joe I think when he realised Linzi and I were there for the cocktail party. I didn't think he'd remember me, but he did, and it was funny seeing him do a double take when he first saw Linzi.

So that was the first reason I bought the Nikon D50, the second reason was my love for cherry blossoms. I don't know why i'm drawn to them, but absolutely love the spring when they all come out and will finally get that tattoo on my ankle of the Japanese variety as opposed to the chinese version; primarily because they have two differing meanings. With mom still very poorly and deterioriating each day, she's not got much to look forward to, or to see given her bed ridden status and her being paralysed. So as she has little to no movement from the neck down, instead of simply being turned onto her back and seeing the ceiling, I want her to have a little piece of home. So once i've mown the lawn and the blossoms in the garden are out in full. I've arranged for my photo's of the garden (from start to finish) to be blown up to poster size and then arrange them on her ceiling. So the times when the nurses turn her on her back, she doesn't have to look at a blank ceiling. It's something at least. If anyone has any other ideas, i'm open to them.

I know I never posted my write up when I visited the set, but you can find all the details and some photos here. It's been so long since we went to the set, but I can still recall it with absolute clarity and fondness. I'll post some pics here of our trip to Canada and some shots I took today with my new camera if anyone is interested. Now that SGA has ended, I feel quite lost and empty and sad... good job I can look back at shirtless Shep and smile, grateful to Mr M for finally relenting and giving all us fangirls a long lasting squee moment. Let's hope we get some more when the movie comes out!

If anything this post was quite cathartic. Hope you enjoy the pics.

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