Thursday, 14 May 2009

Natural Photography

I'm trying to get into my new hobby, photography using the Nikon D5o. Still not quite sure how to use it, but i'm trying out different styles.

As I mentioned before, i'm trying to cheer my mom up, so have been waiting for a nice sunny day to mow the lawn and take some pics of the garden. Next week i've plans to get them blown up to poster size so that I can put them on her ceiling, and something else to look at apart from artex! I've also arranged for Sky to be put in, even though I bought freeview box for her at Christmas. Hopefully she'll get a better reception. I read an article today, the author must have read my mind about the caring system. Here it is if anyone is interested.

Anyway, I finally mowed the lawn, got up at 6AM to take some pics of the sunlight hitting the trees and I hope she enjoys it. I also nearly blew myself up when I cut right through the mower cable when it was on. Oops! The people at the store said I was very lucky to not get electrocuted. Glad to see i've still got some luck on my side. So whilst at the garden ship, i've been wanting to buy something for the birds. We already have a box for the bluetits that visit the house every day, but haven't really done more than that. So I bough a victorian type of stand along with nuts, seeds, worms and peanuts. Since then i've had an influx of birds of al varieties, which is just what I wanted.

I've seen a red finch, blue tits, lots of pidgeons, a black bird that's stealing moss in a plant pot for it's nest and a few sparrows. I've managed to take a few pics behind the glass doors, some turned out well, others didn't. Judgin by the seed feeder that seems to be the most popular, so i'll have to top that up as soon as possible.

I'm heading off to the house again tomorrow to sort a few things off... yeah had all these plans to get stuff done this week and i'm still procrastinating... so tomorrow!!

Enjoy the pics.

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